

Suntan Special version 0.68

Suntan Special DVD edition

Application Page

The Application page displays all the applications available to be installed by Suntan Special. You can install an application by double clicking the application listed on the left side panel. If you select (single click) an application, the description will appear in the right side panel.

There are three buttons on the application page.

There are five checkboxes on the applications page that are used to modify the list of applications to display.

The listbox on the left side of the page displays the applications available for Suntan Special to install and their current installation status. The text box on the right side of the page displays the details of the application selected in the listbox.

The Application page displays the number of items available, the current status of Suntan Special and any messages that result from processing applications.

Settings for the Application Page

The Application listbox can display applications available from the local system, from the web or both. See Downloading Updates for a description of the settings available to customize the applications displayed.

Last Modified: 24 Dec 2019
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2019 by Blonde Guy